Wixárika (Huichol) family water well project

“The Aodam-Wixarika family in La Fortuna Nayarit, caregivers of a sacred land chosen by their grandmother, Guadalupe de la Cruz, honors its roots by working the land and developing traditional craftsmanship. They seek to build a well with the support to improve their crops and share knowledge with more visitors. The collaboration of the followers will make this dream a reality. Join them on this trip.

The main objective of the "Warnings" campaign is to build a well that provides a constant water supply to the Wixarika-Aodam family. The central problem is that, after 15 years of efforts, the family still faces a precarious situation with limited access to water, depending mainly on rain and occasional deliveries. This water shortage compromises its ability to cultivate the land and maintain Wixarika cultural traditions.

The importance of solving this problem is multifaceted. First, ensuring a stable supply of water will significantly improve the family's daily living conditions, allowing them access to this vital resource throughout the year. In addition, constant water is essential to sustain agricultural practices and traditional ceremonies that are fundamental to the preservation of the rich cultural heritage Wixarika and Tepehuana.

Lack of sustainable access to water not only affects the daily subsistence of the family, but also threatens the transmission of ancestral traditions and knowledge to future generations. By contributing to the construction of this well, we are not only addressing a basic need, but also strengthening the basis for the continuity and prosperity of the Wixarika community in its sacred land.”

Nawpa Ñan (Quechua) seasonal fundraiser

“Kusi Kawsay’s vision, from the beginning, has been rooted in the cultivation of community through a vast network of relationships, alliances that inspire and strengthen shared goals for a better world. Our vision is to inspire global awareness that respects cultural and ecological diversity, honoring the wisdom of Indigenous traditions and cultivating unity of human beings within a framework of reciprocity, respect and social justice.

Over the years we have cultivated so many valuable connections, with other educational projects, Indigenous Nations, organizations, institutions, individuals, and many more, locally, nationally and globally. We appreciate each connection, and are so grateful for each opportunity to learn from each other. When reflecting on 2023, the theme that comes forward is the value of exchange. Throughout this year we had many opportunities to share our ancestral culture with the world, starting from within the heart of our small community in the Andes, reaching out to our local and national communities, and spreading into the world across imposed borders. Follow our campaign full of the amazing stories of these experiences, what is being shared and learned, and how these exchanges fortify the continuation of our vision in the Andes of Peru, and the world.

Urpillay Sonqollay to this grand web of life. We look forward to continued collaborations with our current allies and to cultivating new ones, and mostly we look forward to what these connections will bring forth for a more vibrant future.

Your donation will support programs that assure a vibrant educational experience rooted in rich cultural identity of Andean tradition such as:

Andean agriculture, cultural exchanges, girl empowerment, teacher training, audiovisuals, community outreach, Andean workshops, courses & celebrations.”